Power surges are most often associated with lightening storms, but uneven grid power and other issues can also cause a surge. A whole-house surge protector installed at the breaker box can prevent surges.
1. Technology Protection
One of the biggest issues with power surges in modern times is that they can destroy your sensitive electronics, such as TV, computers, and gaming systems. Many people use point of use surge protectors between their electronic devices and the outlet, but these may not provide full protection against a major surge. It only takes one power surge to destroy your electronics and tech, so whole house protection is a safer choice.
2. Longer Fixture Life
Small surges can occur between outlets. You may not even notice these surges when they happen, because unlike major surges, they don't cause power trips or powering off of an appliance. Over time, though, these small surges put unnecessary wear and tear on your appliances and lighting fixtures. This means light bulbs burn out more quickly and appliances have a much shorter working life. Preventing these surges will save you money on replacement costs in the long run.
3. Increased Safety
Power surges are not just bad for your appliances and electronics; they can also pose a safety hazard. There is a risk of electrical shock if you are using or near an item when a surge passes through it, for example. Surges can also overload circuits or cause shorts in wiring, which can lead to an electrical hazard. For these reasons, proper surge protection is a must in every home.
4. Outlet Protection
Repeated power surges, whether they are only affecting one outlet or the entire home, weaken wires and electrical connections over time. They can even cause overheating at the outlet, which may cause plugs or the outlet plates to melt. Eventually, the outlets will become so damaged that replacement is the only suitable option. This can be costly if you have multiple outlets that need to be replaced and rewired.
5. Fewer Insurance Issues
Your home insurance may not cover damages caused by avoidable electric surges. This includes damages to property, like your appliances, as well as damages to your home such as outlet replacement or an electrical fire. Check your insurance policy if you decide to forego surge protection so you can make sure that all losses are covered. Otherwise a single surge can be a very costly issue.
Contact a residential electrical service to learn more about your surge protection options.